Whereas, Education Code § 89921 states that each governing board and subboard shall annually establish, by resolution, bylaws, or whatever other rule is required for the conduct of business by that body, the time and location for holding regular meetings; and

Resolved, For the academic year of 2024-2025, the Associated Students Student Academic Senate meetings will be facilitated both in-person and via an online Zoom format. In-person meetings will be held in Bell Memorial Union 209 at 8 am. on the following dates:

September 17, 2024

October 1, 15, and 29 2024

November 12, 15 and 29, 2024

December 3, 2024

January 28, 2025

February 11 and 25, 2025

March 11 and 25, 2025

April 8, and 22, 2025

May 6, 2025

Resolved, The Associated Students Student Academic Senate will pass a similar resolution for each academic year by the first regularly scheduled meeting for the fall semester.

The Student Academic Senate (SAS) represents the voice of the student body on academic affairs. SAS is chaired by the AS Director of Academic Affairs and is comprised of seven elected student senators representing each of the seven colleges within the University. The Senate is responsible for representing the student voice on issues related to the curricular experience and creates a true link between the Associated Students and the seven University Colleges. Senators also serve on campus-wide committees and act as liaisons between students and college administrators to increase communication, interaction, and cooperation between administration, faculty, and the Associated Students.

BOD meetings are publicly announced and open to the public, as stated in the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act. For more information contact the chair at as-academicaffairs@csuchico.edu