The Student Involvement Center (SIC) is a program and a space designed to get you connected to friends, community, resources, programs, and opportunities that will help you succeed on and off campus. We are excited to welcome you to the space!

Want to get connected to different on-campus programs, clubs and organizations, and job opportunities? This is the spot! Join our semester-long, one-unit course that is designed to connect students (any student!) with Chico State opportunities and resources. Take the next step in your journey to success - register now!

Join the fun!

Meet the Crew

Brooke McCall

Student Involvement Supervisor, Government Affairs

Ramani Thungapati

Student Connection Coordinator

Zion Fozo

Student Connection Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

Bell Memorial Union, Room 221 (Within the Wildcat Leadership Center)

We want to hear from you – drop us a line in the form below with questions or concerns, and we'll get back to you soon!