Apply For Annual Awards

Each year, CAVE presents five awards to recognize outstanding volunteers making a difference in the Chico community. The 2024-2025 award applications will open January 21 and close March 3. Awards are announced at the end of each Spring semester. See award information and requirements below.

Ron Rohde Awards

These awards memorialize two great men, both named Ron Rohde. Initially established by the younger Ron Rohde in memory of his father, the award now honors both men. The younger Ron completed both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at CSU, Chico and later served as part-time faculty in the Department of Communication Design. Additionally, Ron was actively involved with CAVE where he helped manage and promote the Project Pals Program.

Award Amount: Two awards of $1,500


  • Active CAVE volunteers in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 (CAVE volunteers from Fall 2024 who have become CAVE staff in Spring 2025 are eligible for these awards)
  • Made significant contributions to the community
  • Full-time, continuing undergraduate, graduate, or credential students
  • 3.0 GPA or higher

Apply here

Outstanding CAVE Volunteer Award

The Long’s Award for the Outstanding CAVE Volunteer is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding service as a volunteer in the CAVE program.

Award Amount: $500


  • Active CAVE volunteer in 2024 (Spring 2024 and/or Fall 2024)
  • Demonstrated outstanding service

Apply here

Community Affairs Recognition Award for the Outstanding CAVE Staff Member

The Community Affairs Recognition Award (CARA) is presented to a current CAVE staff member recognizing their outstanding commitment to the philosophy of service/volunteerism as demonstrated by their contributions while on CAVE staff.

Award Amount: $500


  • Current CAVE staff member in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
  • Contributions to CAVE demonstrate outstanding commitment to the philosophy of service/volunteerism

Apply here

Ann Schwab "Life is for Learning" Award for a CAVE Staff Member

Ann Schwab humbly served Chico State for nearly 24 years – 20 of those with CAVE. During this time she oversaw 40,000+ volunteers and mentored 2,400 CAVE staff members. The Ann Schwab Life is for Learning Award is presented to a current CAVE student staff member in recognition of their great personal transformation while supporting CAVE. CAVE’s Student Directors will nominate CAVE staff members for this award and the winner will be selected by CAVE’s Program Director. The award announcement will happen at CAVE’s Staff Recognition event in the Spring.

Award Amount: $500


  • Current CAVE staff member in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
  • Demonstrated great personal transformation while supporting CAVE