Adventure Outings (AO) offers the Chico State community a wide range of services. Each semester, AO leads a variety of adventure trips including rafting, kayaking, backpacking, climbing, caving, mountain biking, and more. We also provide custom trips for groups and clubs, host wilderness medicine classes, operate an equipment rental center, and operate the WREC indoor climbing wall.
As one of the leading student-run outdoor programs in the nation, we are always looking for quality people to join our staff. Since its inception, AO has been a premier program run by the Associated Students and continues to be an integral partner in the education of Chico State students. Our goal is to provide professionally organized adventure-based trips to the students and community of Chico State.
All trip staff begin as Assistant Leaders. The Assistant Leader position is an unpaid internship position, designed to train staff in outdoor education and programming, increase the technical skills necessary to lead trips, and learn about AO policies and procedures. In most cases, Assistant Leaders advance to paid Trip Leaders after interning for 2-3 semesters and obtaining appropriate experience. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please review the following expectations.