Councils & Committees

Board of Directors (BOD): The Board of Directors is the conclusive decision-making body for the overall operations of the Associated Students organization and represents the wide-ranging network of student participation in campus shared governance. Chaired by the AS President, the voting membership is comprised of six elected student representatives, the University VPs of Student Affairs and Business and Finance, and a faculty representative. The Board is directly responsible for upholding or approving actions of its network of committees and the comprehensive corporate affairs of the organization. Meeting agendas are available online here. For more information contact the chair at
Government Affairs Committee (GAC): The Government Affairs Committee is the active student advocacy arm of the Associated Students. Chaired by the AS Executive Vice President, this 12-member standing committee is responsible for allocating an annual budget that supports student-centered programs and opportunities, establishes the campus elections, and works throughout the year to raise the level of student consciousness on pertinent campus issues and works to present the interests and expressed desires of the student body. Meeting agendas are available online here. For more information contact the chair at
Associated Students Business Committee (ASBC): The Associated Students Businesses Committee is an eight-member standing committee consisting of four students and four non-student University representatives chaired by the AS Vice President of Business and Finance. ASBC is primarily responsible for setting and approving the policies and procedures of the operations of the AS businesses as well as reviewing, monitoring, and approving short- and long-term strategies and one-year operating plans. Meeting agendas are available online here. For more information contact the chair at
Associated Students Facilities Committee (ASFC): The Associated Students Facilities Committee, formerly known as Bell Memorial Union Committee (BMUC), is a 10-member standing committee chaired by the AS Vice President of Facilities and Services consisting of seven students and three University appointed non-students. This committee is responsible for establishing procedures and policies for the use of the Bell Memorial Union and all programs and services funded by the student union fee, including the Wildcat Recreation Center. This committee also plans for any future construction or lease of facilities for AS use. Meeting agendas are available online here. For more information contact the chair at

Student Academic Senate (SAS): The Student Academic Senate represents the voice of the student body on academic affairs. SAS is chaired by the AS Director of Academic Affairs and is comprised of seven elected student senators representing each of the seven colleges within the University. Additionally, several students at large as well as faculty and staff advisors are invited to serve as voting or non-voting members. The Senate is responsible for representing the student voice on issues related to the curricular experience and creates a true link between the Associated Students and the seven University Colleges. Senators also serve on campus-wide committees and act as liaisons between students and college administrators to increase communication, interaction, and cooperation between administration, faculty, and the Associated Students. Meeting agendas are available online 72 hours in advance of each meeting. For more information contact the chair at
Social Justice and Equity Committee (SJEC): The Social Justice and Equity Committee is a funding council chaired by the AS Director of Social Justice and Equity. This committee acts as the representative body of the diverse and multicultural community, advocating for equitable and inclusive policies and procedures throughout the University and statewide. SJEC is open for all students to come and voice any questions, comments or concerns for the diverse opportunities, events and community on our campus. For more information, please contact the chair as
Legislative Affairs Council (LAC): The Legislative Affairs Council is chaired by the AS Commissioner of Legislative Affairs. This council is responsible for keeping the student body informed of all legislative action that affects students, empowers students to vote by coordinating a campus-based voter registration each semester there is an election, as well as hosting various forums of a political nature. For more information, please contact the chair at
Community Affairs Council (CAC): The Community Affairs Council is chaired by the AS Commissioner of Community Affairs. CAC serves as a council to discuss and create student-driven ideas to solve relevant issues and promote a positive culture shift within our community. For more information, please contact the chair at
Campus Engagement Council (CEC): The Campus Engagement Council is chaired by the AS Commissioner of Student Engagement and Advocacy. CEC serves as a council to coordinate and discuss student needs, soliciting student feedback in order to identify critical student related issues to address. For more information, please contact the chair at
Sustainability Affairs Council (SAC): The Sustainability Affairs Council is chaired by the AS Commissioner of Sustainability Affairs. This council is responsible for making policy recommendations to the Government Affairs, Associated Students Businesses, and Bell Memorial Union committees on issues concerning sustainability, environmental, and social justice. For more information, please contact the chair at
Sustainability Program Fund Allocation Committee (SFAC): The Sustainability Fund Allocation Committee is chaired by the AS Vice President of Facilities and Services. This committee is responsible for accepting proposals and approving allocations to students for sustainable projects or programs. For more information, please contact this email .
Campus Climate Committee: The Campus Climate Committee is responsible for championing the University’s anti-harassment and anti-retaliation policies and procedures by recommending revisions to those policies, increasing awareness through education and outreach, partnering with campus and community organizations to identify and address all forms of harassment and retaliation, and providing a forum to discuss general campus harassment and retaliation issues.
Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC): The Campus Fee Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing new student fee proposals and the incremental portion of increases to current fees for the purpose of providing advice to the campus president.
Equal Opportunity Employment Committee: The Equal Opportunity Employment Committee facilitates the goal of physical and programmatic access and equal opportunity to University employment, educational programs, sponsored activities, and events for all persons.
Other Councils and Committees listed on Application Form without Descriptions:
- Academic Integrity Council
- Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee
- Campus Equity Council
- Campus Planning Committee
- Campus Sustainability Committee
- Commencement Committee
- Community Affairs Council
- Curriculum Advisory Board
- Faculty Recognition and Support Committee
- Library Advisory Committee
- Public Safety Advisory Committee
- Research Foundation Board
- Service Learning Advisory Committee
- Special Major Committee
University Committees are actively seeking student involvement – If you have an interest in a committee or topic that is not listed here or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.