Adventure Outings is pleased to announce our Fall 2013 Photo Contest! This contest will allow participants on AO’s trips to share the spirit of adventure and beautiful places we go with the Chico community.
How it Works
AO staff will collect submitted photos and once all trips have taken place the photos will be displayed in an album on AO’s Facebook fan page. At the end of the voting period the photo with the most likes will be declared the winner!
How to Enter
Email your photo(s) to advoutpr@csuchico.edu with the subject line “AO Photo Contest.” In the body of the email please list your name, the trip(s) your photo(s) was taken on and a 1-2 sentence description of each photo. Photos should be less than 5MB in size and in JPEG/JPG file format.
- Photos must be taken while on Fall 2013 Semester Adventure Outings trips
- Participants must follow the “How to Enter” section above to be considered
- The winner will be decided by the photo receiving the most “likes” in the contest photo album on AO’s Facebook Fan Page.
- Photos will be posted and voting will open December 12, 2013 and close December 19 at 5pm. Winners will be announced shortly after.
- Only 3 photos from each trip, per participant.
- Ties will be broken by a coin toss administered by AO staff.
- Any photos submitted to the contest may be used for marketing and presentation purposes by Adventure Outings.
Prize Packages
These prize packages are still be being put together, check our Facebook Page for updates.
- 1st Place: Up to $100 off of a Spring 2014 AO Trip, a $25 Sports LTD Chico gift certificate, one free tune up from the A.S. Bike Cart and a Klean Kanteen (thanks to the Chico State Wildcat Store)!
- 2nd Place: A $25 gift certificate to the Chico State Wildcat Store, a Klean Kanteen, and one free tune up from the A.S. Bike Cart.