Whether you’re applying for a job or that highly desired internship, having a professional resume is your best chance at landing that position. There are more than a hundred ways to craft a resume but you have to make sure you do it to your special benefit. Your experiences and accomplishments are all essential parts to add to your resume. To create a professional resume you have to pick and choose what you want to present to your potential employer.

Having a perfect resume will help you get that position you’ve been waiting for. Here are some tips to help you create the perfect resume:

  1. Keep it concise - one page
  2. Keep it current - reverse chronological
  3. Don’t include everything
  4. Be creative
  5. Show your best skills
  6. Include your contact information
  7. ALWAYS Proofread

Most employers find it best when you minimize your content because it’s easier to read. We recommend keeping only jobs from the most recent years or no further than three years ago. Your resume should be concise with the ability for readers to skim through. This is why you need to include the most current and important attributes within your resume. Listing out your positions or achievements should be done in reverse chronological order. When building your resume, you must also decide what information you want to include and what to leave out. Some elements may be more important than others depending on the position you’re applying for.

Resumes are important documents that can make or break landing a career. Consider your page layout and design by adding some character with different colors or fonts. Not only will this help you stand out amongst your peers, but it shows that you put an effort. Try out Canva or InDesign to help with your overall resume design, they also give templates for free!. You should also consider highlighting skills that describe your work ethic and personality when describing tasks you did in that experience. A form of contact information is also needed for employers so a professional email address and phone number works best. You can also add in your LinkedIn profile if you want to be found on the web but make sure it’s an active profile.

Most importantly make sure to proofread your resume. Look for any grammatical errors and maintain a consistent format. Showing up to an interview with an error on your resume can come across as unprofessional.

Keep in mind that every industry has a different structure, so know what those places are looking for and then apply it to your resume. For further resume building tips, you can also ask professors or colleagues by asking them for any tips. They often provide helpful insight given their experience in the professional work field. Having your peers proofread your resume can also help you add or change things you couldn’t catch yourself. If your peers aren’t up for it you can also check out the career center by attending a resume workshop. The tools are everywhere, use them to your advantage!