At Chico State, student representatives are elected each academic year to serve and advocate on behalf of the student body with AS Government Affairs. This election is held during the spring semester each year. All voting was conducted online on April 6th from 8 AM to April 7th at 8 AM. On election day, all regularly enrolled students received an email at 8 AM with a direct link to the ballot. The results are below.
Incoming officers
AS President: Krystal Alvarez
Executive Vice President: Jade Tsao
VP of Business and Finance: *did not have an eligible declared candidate
VP of Facilities and Services: Michelle Davis
Director of Social Justice and Equity: Autumn Alaniz-Wiggins
Director of University Affairs: Allison Wagner
Commissioner of Community Affairs: *eligible declared candidate officially withdrew prior to the election
Commissioner of Legislative Affairs: Joshua Rubinoff
Commissioner of Student Engagement and Advocacy: Chloe Renner
Commissioner of Sustainability Affairs: Daisy Chavez
Incoming Senators
College of Agriculture: Mia Arisman
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences: *did not have an eligible declared candidate
College of Business: Katie Lakey
College of Communication and Education: Amy Ledergerber
College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management: Diego Valdez
College of Humanities and Fine Arts: Mykenzie Mack
College of Natural Science: Mia Sanchez-Bejar
Congratulations to all the newly elected officers and senators!
*Per the 2022 AS Elections Procedures, these roles will be filled via appointment. The applications to apply are available here.