Hello, I’m Gianna Echavez-LaRocca and I’m currently the Commissioner of Sustainability Affairs! Not long ago, I was just an environmental science major that was looking for a way to get involved in the campus community, pertaining to my area of study. After gaining knowledge regarding the opening of this position within Government Affairs, I knew this would be an amazing opportunity. I was involved in greek life, a club sport, and an on-campus job, but I felt as if I was lacking a role that connected my campus involvement to my career path. I’ve always thrived in positions of leadership and I had seen myself in a job that specializes in sustainability, so I knew it would be the perfect fit. After accepting the position, I began a smooth transition into this new role and I haven’t looked back since.
Through this position, I’ve achieved a variety of diverse tasks. I’ve had the privilege of recruiting and leading the Sustainability Affairs Committee, voicing my opinion regarding campus matters, approving student sustainability project proposals, and I’m currently working on creating events on campus that promote environmental consciousness. One of the most beneficial things this position has given me is experience in what my major would look like in a professional setting beyond college. Gaining greater networking abilities, knowledge regarding institutional sustainability, problem-solving abilities, and time management efficiency are only a few of the many beneficial skills I’ve been able to sharpen through this position. While looking to my future career pathway, the things I’ve accomplished and learned as the Commissioner of Sustainability have built my confidence in immense ways.
The absolute best part of Government Affairs is working alongside individuals who are not only passionate and driven but also make phenomenal friends who consistently motivate me to be better. I’ve been so grateful to be able to exchange ideas and participate in productive conversations with a team who cares deeply about the Chico State community. There is always a sense of unwavering support within Government Affairs that makes me feel as if I am incapable of failure. Working with this team has taught me to not settle for a workplace that doesn’t cultivate inclusivity and understanding the way this one does. It has been such an honor to serve the student community on campus and I can’t wait to see the leadership that will step up to AS Government next! My advice for those considering running would be to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and to take the leap of faith into a leadership role. You’ll never know what amazing things could lie beyond the doubt!
At Chico State, student representatives are elected each academic year to serve and advocate on behalf of the student body with AS Government Affairs. This election is held annually during the spring semester. All elected representatives serve a one-year term and contribute to Associated Students and University councils and committees, serve as representatives of the Colleges, and advocate on behalf of the students of Chico State.
Students interested in running for office are required to apply and declare their candidacy. 2023 Applications for Associated Students Election Eligibility open on Monday, February 13th, and are due on Wednesday, March 1st by 12 p.m. noon. Once confirmed eligible to run, the Election Supervisor will invite you to formally declare a position in which you wish to run. For information regarding the election process, please visit as.csuchico.edu/election.