The California State Student Association (CSSA) held a meeting on February 15, covering a wide range of issues affecting students across the CSU system. Here's a breakdown of what CSSA is and what topics were discussed.

CSSA is the governing body representing all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the California State University (CSU) system. It serves as a platform for students to advocate for their interests and concerns on a system-wide level. CSSA works closely with the CSU Chancellor's Office and the Board of Trustees to ensure that student voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

The AS President and Commissioner of Legislative Affairs attend these meetings to represent California State University, Chico. In the event they cannot, the Commissioner of Student Engagement and Advocacy attends as proxy.

CSSA Plenary | February 2025

Big Policy Updates and Budget Discussions at Joint Committee Meeting:

The Joint Committee of Internal Affairs and Finance met to discuss and take action on several key policies and budget-related matters. The meeting, held via Zoom, saw significant progress in updating crucial operational guidelines for the California State Student Association (CSSA). The committee began by approving the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. Then, they moved to crucial action items. They successfully passed updates to the CSSA Fiscal Policy, Signature Authority Policy, and Travel Policy and Procedure. These updates, which have been in the works for some time, aim to modernize and streamline these important operational frameworks. During the Public Comment period, attendees had the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions on matters affecting higher education. This is a vital part of CSSA's commitment to transparency and student input. Reports from Chair Karen Carrillo, Vice President of Finance Tyler Coari, Assistant Director of Operations Brandon Martinez, and Executive Director Joe Nino provided updates on the committee's activities and future plans. In the New Business section, the committee engaged in important discussions about potential revisions to the Budget and Reserves Policy, as well as the Contracts and Procurement Policy. They also discussed the possible dissolution of the Fiscal and Purchasing Policy, aiming to simplify and improve overall governance. These discussions will inform future policy updates. This meeting was a productive step forward in ensuring CSSA's policies remain relevant and effective for students across the CSU system.

Committee Focuses on Member Resources and Agenda Accessibility:

The Internal Affairs Committee convened on to address key issues related to member resources and procedural transparency. The committee quickly approved the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. During Public Comment, members of the community had the opportunity to raise important issues. The committee then moved to Unfinished Business. A significant highlight was the approval of the Member Resource Accessibility Policy, which aims to ensure all members have equal access to essential resources. This is a significant step towards inclusivity and equity within the organization. The committee also discussed a draft of the Agenda Item Request Policy. This policy is designed to streamline the process for submitting agenda items, making it easier for members to participate in the decision-making process. This discussion will help refine the policy before it is brought for a vote. Reports from Chair Karen Carrillo and Executive Director Joe Nino provided updates on the committee's work. This meeting demonstrated the committee's dedication to improving internal processes and ensuring accessibility for all members.

Budget Development and Financial Statements Highlight Finance Committee Meeting:

The Finance Committee met to discuss crucial financial matters related to the CSSA. After approving the agenda and minutes, the committee opened the floor for Public Comment. Reports from Assistant Director of Operations Brandon Martinez and Chair Tyler Coari followed, providing updates on the committee's activities. The main focus of the meeting was on information items. Chair Coari and Assistant Director Martinez provided detailed information regarding the development of the FY 2025-26 CSSA budget. This is a critical process that will shape the organization's financial priorities for the upcoming year. The committee also reviewed the February 2025 Financial Statement, which provided an overview of the organization's current financial health. This transparency is essential for ensuring responsible financial management. This meeting offered valuable insights into CSSA's financial planning and management, demonstrating the committee's commitment to fiscal responsibility.

Legislative Affairs Committee Advances Key Student Advocacy Bills:

The Legislative Affairs Committee met to discuss and take action on several important legislative bills impacting CSU students. Following the approval of the agenda and minutes, the committee heard Public Comment. Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy Mary Washington and President Iese Esera provided reports on the committee's activities. The committee then moved to New Business, which was packed with important items. President Esera provided an update on CHESS 2025, CSSA's annual advocacy conference. The committee then considered and approved co-sponsor positions for several key bills: SB 98 (Perez) regarding immigration enforcement notifications, SB 271 (Reyes) concerning childcare services for students with dependent children, and AB 313 (Ortega) which aims to extend the student financial aid application deadline. They also recommended support positions for AB XXX bills focused on strengthening data collection, standardizing financial aid letters, and CalFresh and FAFSA data sharing opt-in. All of these bills are designed to improve the lives of CSU students. This meeting was a significant step forward in CSSA's advocacy efforts, demonstrating the committee's commitment to advancing student-centered legislation.

Board of Directors Approves Key Policies and Legislative Positions:

The CSSA Board of Directors met to address crucial policy updates, legislative positions, and organizational matters. The Board started by approving the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. They then moved to crucial action items, approving co-sponsor positions for SB 98 (Perez), SB 271 (Reyes), and AB 313 (Ortega), and support positions for the AB XXX bills concerning data collection, financial aid letters, and CalFresh/FAFSA data sharing. These legislative actions demonstrate CSSA's commitment to advocating for student needs. The Board also approved updates to the CSSA Fiscal Policy, Signature Authority Policy, and Travel Policy and Procedure, as well as the Member Resource Accessibility Policy. These policy updates are aimed at improving organizational efficiency and accessibility. Liaison reports from the Academic Senate Chair, CSU Office of the Chancellor representatives, and CSU Board of Trustees members provided updates on key issues affecting the CSU system. During Public Comment, attendees had the opportunity to voice their concerns. Reports from President Iese Esera, Chair Karen Carrillo, Vice President of Finance Tyler Coari, Vice President of Systemwide Affairs Tara Al-Rehani, and Executive Director Joe Nino followed. In New Business, the Board authorized President Esera to assume the responsibilities of the Vice President of Legislative Affairs position. They also confirmed Elaine Pollard as Southern Engagement Officer and selected Legislator and Legislative Staff of the Year award recipients. Executive Director Nino provided information on the 2025-2026 CSSA election cycle. This meeting was a productive session, demonstrating the Board's commitment to effective governance and student advocacy.

Committee Focuses on Undocumented Student Support and Conduct Concerns:

The Systemwide Affairs Committee met to discuss important issues impacting students across the CSU system. Following the approval of the agenda and minutes, the committee heard Public Comment. Reports from Vice President of Systemwide Affairs Tara Al-Rehani and Assistant Director of Systemwide Affairs Genesis Jara provided updates on the committee's activities. The meeting focused on two key discussion items. First, the committee discussed a resolution brought forward by Member Andrade-Dominguez to establish a system-wide CSU Undocumented Student Advisory Council Framework for Comprehensive Support Framework. This initiative aims to provide better support for undocumented students across the CSU system. Second, Senior Systemwide Director in Academic and Staff Human Resources, Dr. Sarah E. Fried-Gintis solicited feedback from students regarding the current process for Other Conduct of Concern complaints. This discussion aimed to improve the guidance document and ensure it effectively addresses student concerns. This meeting highlighted the committee's commitment to addressing critical student issues and fostering an inclusive and supportive environment across the CSU system.

Madison Kelley is the current Commissioner of Legislative Affairs for the Associated Students. This is her second term, with her serving as the Senator for the College of Business during the 2023-2024 academic year. She's a 4th year at Chico State major­ing in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion with a focus in Mar­ket­ing. To reach out to Madison, email her at