Associated Students Dining Services has proudly partnered with various food trucks during the 2021-2022 school year. Regularly featured food trucks include The Black Kettle, Panini Machini, The Lamb and The Wolf, and more! The trucks can be found near popular locations throughout campus Monday - Friday between the hours of 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The food trucks have quickly gained popularity and become a campus favorite. They offer an even more diverse food selection in addition to our eight other dining locations on campus.

The Black Kettle offers specialized sandwiches, burgers, soup, and salads made from organic, locally sourced ingredients. Their menu items include a black bean chipotle burger, pastrami melt, salmon salad, tomato soup, and more. They are normally located near the New Science Building beside the footbridge.

Panini Machini is the reclaimed yellow bus with the chalkboard paint finish. While waiting for their panini sandwiches, customers can pick up some chalk and doodle on the side of the “Machini.” Find Panini Machini near the New Science Building beside the footbridge, or near the Arts and Humanities building.

The Lamb and The Wolf offers a selection of fresh Greek and Mediterranean-style appetizers and entrees. Their menu includes Gyros, salads, wraps, and Baklava for dessert. The Lamb and the Wolf food truck is typically located outside the Student Services Center on campus.
For more information and the most up-to-date food truck schedule, head to our page here or follow us on Instagram @dine_aschicostate for the latest news and updates!