On February 19th, 1942, Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt. This order would forever change the fate of many Japanese Americans as it called for the removal and relocation of these citizens from their homes, livelihoods, and communities to specialized internment camps. Over 250,000 people’s lives, businesses, relationships, and livelihoods were destroyed by this single order. February 19th marks a day of remembrance as the Executive Order was signed that day. We believe that it is crucial to support and uplift all of our Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) students, staff, & faculty and to learn from the mistakes of the past in order to build a more just and inclusive community for all. We want to educate and ensure that all students, at Chico State and beyond, are aware of the history. The Associated Students Board of Directors stands in solidarity with our AAPI community from the adverse effects that have happened directly or indirectly due to EO9066 and we stand against all forms of anti-Asian hate, xenophobia, and discrimination.

This statement was approved by the Associated Students Board of Directors (BOD) on Wednesday, March 1st during their regularly scheduled meeting. For more information, please visit as.csuchico.edu/meetings.

Images courtesy of the National Archives.