Gabriel Delgado is a Program Manager with Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) overseeing our Classroom Program. Follow along with him for a day in his life working with CAVE!
Why do you think people should apply for this position?
I think people should apply for a CAVE program managing position because they get to grow professionally and start to learn how to improve their leadership skills.
Any tips or advice for anyone interested in joining CAVE?
The tips or advice that I would give to anyone interested in joining CAVE is to always come into the office with a positive attitude.
Why did you choose to accept or apply for this position?
I chose to accept or apply for this position because I wanted to get more volunteer hours, which makes me look good when I apply to the nursing program here on campus. Plus, I already enjoy working for CAVE in my past semesters.
Want to get involved? CAVE partners with local non-profit agencies to provide one-time and semester-long volunteer opportunities. CAVE offers 10+ semester-long volunteer programs in the local community. Each program has volunteer staff who support the programs.