Whereas, Education Code § 89921 states that each governing board and subboard shall annually establish, by resolution, bylaws, or whatever other rule is required for the conduct of business by that body, the time and location for holding regular meetings; and

Resolved, For the academic year of 2024-25, the Associated Students Government Affairs Committee meetings will be facilitated both in person and via an online Zoom format. In-person meetings will be held in Bell Memorial Union 205 at 12:00 p.m. on the following dates:

January 31, 2025
February 14 and 28, 2025
March 14 and 28, 2025
April 4, 11, 18, 25, 2025

Resolved, The Associated Students Government Affairs Committee will pass a similar resolution for each academic year by the first regularly scheduled meeting for the fall semester.

The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) is the active student advocacy arm of the Associated Students. Chaired by the AS Executive Vice President, this 12-member standing committee is responsible for allocating an annual budget that supports student-centered programs and opportunities, establishes the campus elections, and works throughout the year to raise the level of student consciousness on pertinent campus issues and works to present the interests and expressed desires of the student body. GAC meetings are publicly announced and open to the public, as stated in the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act. For more information contact the chair at as-evp@csuchico.edu.