- Student Organization Event Allocation Fund (SOEAF) - Up to $3,000 for any recognized student organization to put on an on-campus event of their dreams.
- Revenue Sharing - Students can allocate up to $15 during the annual AS Elections to the organization(s) of their choice. Students can spend allocated funds as they wish!
- Student Life and Leadership -The hub for tabling, flyers, recognized student organization event requests, student organization recognition, and so much more.
- Free Store - Need office supplies? Project Binder? Look no further than the Free Store in AS Sustainability. You can donate or pick up FREE office supplies in BMU 220 in AS Sustainability.
- Electronic Drop Off - Help stop toxic materials from ending up in the landfill. Donate batteries and electronic material for proper recycling and disposal in AS Sustainability in BMU 220.
- Lactation Room - Available to all nursing students who need a private space while they are nursing. Visit BMU 220 and ask for access to the Lactation Room and they will happily escort you to a private space on the 3rd floor of BMU.
- Sustainability Fund - Approximately $75,000 is set aside each year to empower students and the AS to identify sustainability needs, implement solutions and make a positive difference on campus and in the world. This fund helps you put your eco-ideas into action!
- Compost Drop - Bring your food scraps for composting to the Compost Garden located between the tennis courts and train tracks. Open 24/7.
- Function Junction - Borrow reusable dishes for your group events; silverware, dishware, table cloths, cups, and mugs. And AS Dining washes them for you!
- Hydration Stations - Hosting a large outdoor event? Borrow our portable hydration stations to replace single-use plastic water bottles. Reserve here!
- AS Sustainability - Offers involvement opportunities including, monthly creek clean-ups, garden parties, maker days, and so much more.