

When waivers are part of your risk mitigation strategy, we will help prepare them for your event. Please contact the AS Risk Manager for this to make sure you are using the latest form and that the risks are appropriately laid out for participants.

Before and during the event:

  • Consider how you will track who has signed a waiver.
  • If it is possible that people under 18 will attend your event, remember they will need a parent/guardian to sign the waiver.
  • When someone turns in the waiver, make sure their name is legible, and they have properly signed the form before participating.

After your event, use the following steps to store waivers electronically:

  1. Download this document, complete the blank fields, and print it to use as the cover sheet for your waivers.
  2. Alphabetize the waiver forms by the last name.
  3. Scan all of the waivers and cover sheet into a single document. Be sure to scan both sides of the signed waivers!
  4. Name the file something logical (09-27-22-Cats-on-blast.pdf) and upload it here for permanent storage.
  5. Email the AS Risk Manager (tkcrawford@csuchico.edu) and let them know you have uploaded waivers.
  6. Once you have received a confirmation they were received, you can shred the paper documents.