As part of their job duties, compliance training is required of all Associated Students employees. Many of the required trainings are mandated by state or federal law, or California State University policy. Training assignments are based on job duties and the populations and hazards an employee may encounter while working.
Please complete any assigned training during working hours and as soon as possible after they are assigned to you.
CSU Learn
A vast majority of required trainings will happen through CSU Learn, an online training system used by state and auxiliary employees. When training has been assigned to you or a previously taken training expires, you will receive an email from You can view this support article for information on completing an assigned training.
Training Assignment vs. Recertification
All new employees are "assigned" training upon employment or when new training is deemed to be necessary for your position. Employees are later asked to "recertify" certain assigned (completed) courses as they approach an expiration date.
An example: When an employee first begins, they are assigned Example Training. They complete the training, and two years later, it expires, at which point they need to recertify Example Training.
Frequently Asked Questions for CSU Learn
- I have training that is due. How do I complete my training?
- I clicked on a training link. Where is the START button?
- I clicked on a training link. Why is the course a blank page?
- How do I check on my training status (PDF)?
Information for Supervisors
Certain supervisors can check on their team's assigned training and run reports through CSU Learn's Manager Dashboard. Once you have been identified as a supervisor, the My Team icon will automatically appear on top of your CSU Learn menu. Click on the My Team icon and then navigate to Manager Dashboard. View this article (pdf) to learn the basics of the manager dashboard.
Which trainings am I required to complete?
Career staff are required to complete and maintain the below trainings.
- New Employee Orientation - this is an in-person training not hosted in CSU Learn. This training should be attended within 30 days of the hire date. Your supervisor will let you know when the next available sessions are happening.
- CSU - Injury and Illness Prevention Program, 20 min, due every 3 years
- Workplace Violence Prevention Program, 30 minutes, due annually
- Data Security and FERPA, due annually, rolling due date
- Data Security Introduction and FERPA (Module 1), 25 minutes
- Data Security: Physical Security and Unintended Disclosures (Module 2)
- Data Security: Phishing (Module 3)
- Data Security: Malware (Module 4)
- Data Security: Passwords (Module 5)
- Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program
- For Non-Supervisors, 1 hour (minimum), due every 2 years, by Oct 1
- For Supervisors, 2 hours (minimum), due every 2 years, by Oct 1
- Active Shooter, 10 min, once
- Fire Safety and Prevention, 20 minutes, due once
- Mandated Reporter, 45 minutes, due once
Gender Equity and Title IX, 30-45 min, due annually, by Oct 1
Emergency Procedures, 45 minutes, due every 3 years
- Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse (CANRA), 45 min, required for all CDL employees and volunteers and certain CAVE employees
- Heat Illness Prevention
- Heat Illness Prevention - CAL/OSHA(for non-supervisors), 25 min, due annually, for non-supervisors who work in hot environments
- Heat Illness Prevention for Supervisors - CAL/OSHA (for supervisors), 21 min, due annually, for supervisors of employees who work in hot environments
- Avoiding Bias in Hiring is an in-person (currently hosted on Zoom) session required of all recruitment committee members, due every 4 years
Student staff are required to complete and maintain the below trainings.
- New Employee Orientation - this is an in-person training not hosted in CSU Learn. This training should be attended within 30 days of the hire date. Your supervisor will let you know when the next available sessions are happening.
- CSU - Injury and Illness Prevention Program, 20 min, due every 3 years
- Workplace Violence Prevention Program, 30 minutes, due annually
- Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Program
- For Non-Supervisors, 1 hour (minimum), due every 2 years, by Oct 1
- For Supervisors, 2 hours (minimum), due every 2 years, by Oct 1
- Data Security and FERPA, due annually, rolling due date
- Data Security Introduction and FERPA (Module 1), 25 minutes
- Data Security: Physical Security and Unintended Disclosures (Module 2)
- Data Security: Phishing (Module 3)
- Data Security: Malware (Module 4)
- Data Security: Passwords (Module 5)